Expert Refrigeration and air conditioning installs and repairs  |  Servicing Kapiti to Palmerston North

Walk-In Cold Room vs Freezer – What’s The Difference?

For properties in New Zealand, a walk-in cold room and walk-in freezer in NZ serve similar functions but with specific nuances. They’re not exactly the same, and we at Minus 21 Refrigeration demonstrate how below:

1. Temperature Range

Walk-in cold rooms typically maintain a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius. This means they preserve perishable items without freezing them; fruits, vegetables, dairy products and beverages are kept chilled to extend their lifespan.

Conversely, freezers maintain temperatures below the freezing point. This is usually between -18 degrees Celsius and -25 degrees Celsius. Food that must be frozen to remain healthy – like meat, seafood or ice cream – is best kept in a freezer as opposed to a cold room.

2. Purpose

In New Zealand, walk-in cold rooms are generally used in restaurants, supermarkets and food processing facilities to keep perishables at chilled temperatures. This is great for maintaining their freshness and quality, without having to defrost.

Freezers are also widely used in these spaces, but for foodstuffs that must be frozen for extended periods of time. Sometimes, bread can even be frozen over time to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria.

3. Construction

Cold rooms are typically constructed with insulated panels made of expanded polystyrene or polyurethane. They help to keep a consistent temperature in the cold room, and reduce the heat absorption from outdoors. But, this type of insulation is generally not thick enough to maintain the freezing temperatures required of a walk-in freezer in NZ!

Instead, freezers tend to have a thicker and more specialised version of cold room insulation. Their construction involves higher-density insulation material to keep the temperature below freezing. Generally, this includes a rigid polyurethane foam sandwiched between a metal casing and padded lining of polystyrene. Heat will find it very difficult to enter a freezer, and the cold will be unable to escape!

To keep your walk-in freezer in NZ in the best condition, look to Minus 21 Refrigeration, a company that serves customers from Kapiti to Palmerston North with the utmost in refrigeration installation and maintenance. Our technicians are extremely qualified in their field, with access to specialist equipment that can bring your refrigeration solutions up to scratch. Contact us for more information, today.

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